Kamis, 02 Februari 2012

new world order Δ !

The New World Order is a program designed by the Zionist or Jews since a thousand years ago.
this program made to unite the whole world into a single government under the rule of Jewish (Zionist) people.
they run this program with a very systematic structure.
they're incorporated into a secret society groups.
like Freemason, Illuminati, Skull & Bones, Bohemian Grove, Club of Rome and many more.

they were just a bunch of people who want to be a GOD.
if we don't open our eyes, we'll not see anything.
we're just going to be a slave or die.

the FACT is.. the FREEMASON is the trend now!
many people wear an unfinished pyramid t-shirt, pagan symbols in every post on social network, triangle stuff, or just take one eye picture like me. ha ha.

I am not a part of freemason,. I am just want to explain what is freemason..save your world save your family and save your friends..
I have the information for googling and some book.. wkwkwk
believe it or not, just the only one GOD who knows the truth. !

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