Jumat, 23 Maret 2012


The eye sees a thing more clearly in dreams than the imagination awake.

Mata..Dengan cara itulah gue secara "alami" menseleksi people i like. Mreka yang bertahan bakal gue pegang erat2. So i think i have the right to choose. That's why o could be mean to people yg mnurut gue "karbitan". Biar apa? Biar yang "palsu" pada mental dan yang "asli" makin solid.
Mreka yang kenal gue pasti tau gue paling ga bisa "sok manis" like others. Gue suka jijik sndiri ngetiknya kalo i dont really mean it. Im not that kind of person. Dan gue pun lebih seneng org manis ke gue klo mreka memang pengen manis drpd sok manis pdhl di blakang gak suka. I respect my haters coz atleast they have the guts to show it,

open your eyes, look within. are you satisfied with the life you're living?

keep your eyes wide open to the world.
cause the world is too sweet to not be seen.

arrivederci, xxo.

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